According to Reddit.
I came across this post: What are some useful methods in the standard library that the Rust Book doesn’t go over? : r/rust and decided it would be worth looking into.
use std::mem::{replace, swap, take};
fn main() {
let mut a = vec![0, 1, 2, 3];
let three = take(&mut a[3]); // take three and put a default value there i.e. 0
assert!(three == 3);
assert!(a[3] == 0); // becomes its "default" value
let mut zero = a[0];
let mut one = a[1];
swap(&mut zero, &mut one); // std::mem::swap for vars
assert_eq!(zero, 1);
assert_eq!(one, 0);
a.swap(0, 1); // actual vec method defined for vecs
assert_eq!(a[0], 1);
struct P {
val: Option<bool>,
let mut p = P { val: Some(true) };
let n: Option<bool> = None;
let moved = replace(&mut p.val, n);
assert_eq!(moved, Some(true)); // the value doesn't get dropped, Some got moved into `let moved`
let mut inf_fives = std::iter::repeat(5); // Repeat<i32> is an iterator that repeats an
// el endlessly
for _ in 0..=99 {
let curr =;
let mut one_val = std::iter::once(1);
assert!( == Some(1));
let mut counter = 0;
let my_vals = std::iter::from_fn(|| {
if counter < 100 {
counter += 1;
return Some(counter);
} else {
println!("{:?}", my_vals.collect::<Vec<_>>());
let my_num: Option<u32> = Some(1);
if my_num.is_some_and(|b| b == 1) {
// do_stuff()
} // is some option and matches some predicate
struct SomeErr;
let my_res: Result<u32, SomeErr> = Ok(1);
if my_res.is_ok_and(|n| n == 2) {} // result version
let n = 1;
(n == 1).then(|| {
print!("Wow, ");
println!("n == 1")
}); // some condition is true then execute some code
Just a quick one while I take a break from working through “Programming Rust”.