
Attention: Next.js now collects completely anonymous telemetry regarding usage.

Wow telemetry enabled by default, amazing ✨

bun next telemetry disable
Your preference has been saved to /home/user/.config/nextjs-nodejs/config.json.

You’re welcome


Yesterday, I came across a Hackernews post that mentioned pandacss. Took a look, site looked nice. Clicked on “Learn Panda”, and they’re selling a course.

Today I decided to take a look at Tanstack Query, and under the “Read the Docs” button there’s a huge banner for a course.

Like, is this really the state of webdev now? I get that people have to make money, but does everything have to be a course?


Games I’m hype for this year:

  • Moonlighter 2
  • Ratatan
  • Fatal Fury CoTW
  • Virtua Fighter 6



I spent close to an hour trying to figure out why the React’s isPending wasn’t waiting for a promise to resolve - only to realize it was because of differences between v18 => v19. Can we as a society just collectively agree to stop using React? Please?

Grrr and why is RSC part of the docs, it’s incredibly misleading


Linus Torvalds on Hungarian Notation:

Encoding the type of a function into the name (so-called Hungarian notation) is brain damaged—the compiler knows the types anyway and can check those, and it only confuses the programmer

…Ignoring the language, he has a point


An excerpt from “Metaprogramming Ruby”:

“I am still confused, Master,” said the disciple, even more worried than before. “They always taught me that self-modifying code is bad. How will I know that I am wielding this art properly?” […] The master began to get annoyed. “You’re smart enough to learn,” he said, “but are you smart enough to forget what you have learned? There’s no such thing as metaprogramming. It’s just programming all the way through. Now get lost, and let me meditate in peace.”



I saw a list of “10 JS frameworks in 2025” on Reddit and decided to look into some of them.

  • Drizzle (ORM) - easy enough to set up. Seems relatively straightforward and intuitive
  • Biome (linter/formatter, Prettier replacement) - TODO
  • Bun (all-in-one toolkit thingamabob) - finally got around to trying it. Don’t know what the advantages are over NodeJS, though. Supposedly faster, I wouldn’t know. Supports Typescript out of the box, but you can do that with the latest Node version as well (both just do type-stripping)
  • Deno (runtime) - TODO
  • Zustand (state management) - TODO
  • Hono (web framework) - like express but with some QOL stuff? You can write code in a .jsx file and send JSX as a response. Is nice
  • HTMX (reactivity with server-sent HTML fragments? idk) - TODO
  • Shadcn (styled components) - TODO

I like functional programming some but this library is one of the worst things I’ve ever seen



  • Rebuilt my site’s “microposts” page in Astro for it to work fine in development but not on the deployment target (Netlify)
  • Spent two hours wondering why - made lots of guesses, moved stuff here and there, migrated from Astro v4 to v5

Nearing my wits end, I caved and asked Deepseek. Gave a couple of suggestions, the first of which turned out to be the culprit:

// went from this
myEntries.sort() // sorting algorithm here
// to this

That’s the price you pay for playing with “bleeding edge” features, I guess.



I only just recently wrote a post about monkeypatching in Ruby, so I’m just gonna leave this here, but this is (oneof) the weirdest things I’ve seen…

CONST = true

# Conditional methods...
class Do
  class << self
    if CONST
      def it
      def it

puts Do.it

Nvm here’s more

class StringUtils
  def self.reverse_enabled(is_enabled)
    if is_enabled
      define_method(:rev, lambda(&:reverse))
      define_method(:rev, ->(x) { x })


su = StringUtils.new
p su.rev('my string')
p su.rev('my string')

That said, my dad is becoming a huge AI proponent and idk how I feel about it…


I have had to restructure my Microposts “API” twice in the last week now.

Goddamn Telegram strips formatting from messages and saves it as “entities” (or something - I can’t be bothered to work with that, or figure it out).

Also, I really regret writing the script in Go. I don’t know - with Go, it’s always been a love/hate thing, and it’s mostly hate RN
